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A blog I write for my own to keep an honest track of what happens to me and my heart during these vagabond years

夏日祭Adieu My Summers

Posted on September 8 2013 by Yunxiao

夏日祭Adieu My Summers

夏天被过得只剩下尾巴 两天的雨把这尾巴也冲刷得不留痕迹 看着日历 刚过白露 天要转凉 时隔一年回国度过的这半个夏天 是让我写出了“What I miss is just an image and it doesn't exist no more!”这种绝望句子的夏天 是的Everything is changing and I don't feel right. 有一种什么东西被撕裂的感觉 就此和过往的一切一切因夏产生的情感埋葬 “All things it devours,birds beasts...

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